Editorial Statement
West Africa Review is the product of a specific historical conjucture framed by the following issues: (1) the downturn in the economies of various West African countries and the consequent deleterious effects on their educational systems and resources--resources especially publishing outlets for the dissemination of results of researches. (2) The increasingly large constituency of West Africanists in America and Europe, a constituency not currently served by a journal focused on the region. (3) The increasing presence in the North American academy of West Africans, a majority of whom are scholars of West African matters. This is in addition to the already existing substantial and vibrant interest in West African studies, as well as, outside the academy, an increasing general interest in the histories, cultures and traditions of various West African countries. (4) Finally, the dearth of regional-specific sources in North America and Europe where the sheer volume of excellent work on West African studies that is being produced can be disseminated.
West Africa Review. ISSN: 1525-4488 (online).
Editors: Adeleke Adeeko, Nkiru Nzegwu, and Olufemi Taiwo.
Published by Africa Resource Center, Inc. All inquiries about rights, permissions, reprints and license should be directed to AfricaResource.
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