PROUD FLESH Inter/Views: Acklyn Lynch
On July 10, 2007, we finally sat down with Dr. ACKLYN LYNCH to conduct this interview at his home, this place to be on Geranium Street in Washington, D.C. There are so many things to do with and in the life of this man that we had postponed this thing several times before it jumped and took off. He gave us all the time in the world. He gave so much of his self and history which it is all-important to document. He would discuss Paul Robeson and Eric Williams; George Jackson and his mother, Georgia Jackson; Frantz Fanon and his wife; Howard University, which fired him five times for being a firebrand, and many other college or university appointments; Black Studies and Black music; sports and C.L.R. James; Trinidad, Babylon and Africa; European systems of oppression and Black cultures of resistance worldwide. Thank the Ancestors, Y’all—Here is Bro. ACKLYN LYNCH!
ProudFlesh: New Afrikan Journal of Culture, Politics and Consciousness. ISSN: 1543-0855 (online).
Editor: Dr. Darlene V. Russell.
Published by Africa Resource Center, Inc. All inquiries about rights, permissions, reprints and license should be directed to AfricaResource.
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