
Issue Title
No 26 (2015): In Movement: Women in Africa and the African Diaspora In Movement: Women in Africa and the African Diaspora Abstract
Henriette Gunkel, Zethu Matebeni, Catherine Raissiguier
No 21 (2012): Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America I work with Africa everyday, I just work with it through the lens of Haitian Vodun Abstract
Patricia Scheu
No 21 (2012): Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America I go to places that I have never been in this life but I go to places that's home in my spirit Abstract
Felice Guimont
No 21 (2012): Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America Editorial: Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America Abstract  PDF
Azuka Nzegwu
No 21 (2012): Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America Cover of the Issue Abstract  PDF
Azuka Nzegwu
No 21 (2012): Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America Being Caribbean means we owe something to our spirit, and to the spirits who came from Africa Abstract
Saumya Arya Haas
No 21 (2012): Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America You tell them that the God of Africa is the God of us all Abstract
Sallie Ann Glassman
No 25 (2014): Gender and Education Editorial: Achieving Gender Equality in Education: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Abstract
Jane F. A. Rarieya
No 21 (2012): Papa Edgard and His Mambos: Inside African Spirituality Practices of Vodou in America The truth that I already knew but had never been able to articulate was suddenly laid out before me Abstract
Susan Kwosek
No 29 (2016): Women's Autobiography in South Africa, Maternal Depression in Barbados and Film Reviews on Ama Ata Aidoo and Girlhood "Tell Me Where Your Dreams Are?": A Review of Celine Sciamma's Girlhood (2014) Abstract
Charles Peterson
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