Five for Five Interview with Jumoke Verissimo
I am traditional, I respect the knowledge of ancestral relations, and the idea that I am connected to an idea of being that I am still coming to terms with. Then there is the family: I come from a place where family speaks of love and sacrifice. I have a country where I am perpetually at a loss what to make of being in plenty and being subjected to a point where you emerge almost in nothingness. These are some of the things, that have molded me into complexities and afford me a privilege to write with an understanding that I am from somewhere. The voice you read is my subconscious observing the privilege to let these things, spaces and people inhabit me. My voice is therefore these elements and more.
African Literature; Writers; Writing; Literature; Interviews; Philosophy
JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies. ISSN: 1530-5686 (online).
Editors: Nkiru Nzegwu; Book Editor: Mary Dillard.
Published by Africa Resource Center, Inc. All inquiries about rights, permissions, reprints and license should be directed to AfricaResource.
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