Revolutionary Love in Jose Marti and Che Guevara: Why Developers Should Care about Imperialism and Philosophy
Che Guevara famously claimed that a true revolutionary is motivated by love. Some see a contradiction between this statement and Guevaras defense of armed struggle. Nineteenth century Cuban philosopher, JosMart also argued for the revolutionary force of love while at the same time, twenty years before Lenin, becoming the first out-right anti-imperialist (Retamar 2006, 13). I argue that Guevaras critics ignore the bigger philosophical picture, particularly issues about understanding. If development theorists, for example, were more aware of imperialism, as they should be, they might recognize the philosophical issues and better respect philosophers of the South, such as Guevara and Mart
Jose Marti, Che Guevara, development, Havana book fair, Imperialism
Journal on African Philosophy. ISSN: 1533-1067 (online).
Editor: Olufemi Taiwo.
Published by Africa Resource Center, Inc. All inquiries about rights, permissions, reprints and license should be directed to AfricaResource.
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