Memorandum of Conversation, Paris, May 2, 1972
Paris, May 2, 1972
During U.S.-French bilateral exchanges on Africa, Secretary-General Hervi Alphand said that the Soviets and the Chinese had not been successful in Africa, communist influence was not dominant, and African countries viewed the communists as sources of aid, not ideology. Newsom indicated that he was not especially concerned with the Soviets, although they might be overreaching in Somalia. However, he was concerned about Chinese economic activities, their military establishments, particularly in Tanzania, and their identification with southern African liberation movements.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, ORG 7 AF. Confidential. Drafted by A. Steigman (POL) on May 4.
During U.S.-French bilateral exchanges on Africa, Secretary-General Hervi Alphand said that the Soviets and the Chinese had not been successful in Africa, communist influence was not dominant, and African countries viewed the communists as sources of aid, not ideology. Newsom indicated that he was not especially concerned with the Soviets, although they might be overreaching in Somalia. However, he was concerned about Chinese economic activities, their military establishments, particularly in Tanzania, and their identification with southern African liberation movements.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, ORG 7 AF. Confidential. Drafted by A. Steigman (POL) on May 4.
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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