National Intelligence Estimate 70-71, Washington, October 7, 1971
Washington, October 7, 1971
This NIE, “Troubles in East Africa,” examined growing domestic problems, communist activities, and other issues in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia, and discussed the outlook for those counties and the implications for external powers.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, NIC Files, Job 79R-01012A, Box 421, Folder 1. Secret; Controlled Dissem.
This NIE, “Troubles in East Africa,” examined growing domestic problems, communist activities, and other issues in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia, and discussed the outlook for those counties and the implications for external powers.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, NIC Files, Job 79R-01012A, Box 421, Folder 1. Secret; Controlled Dissem.
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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