Telegram 3414 From the Embassy in Yugoslavia to the Embassy in Ireland, October 4, 1970, 0600Z
October 4, 1970, 0600Z
The embassy reported on President Nixon's meeting with President TITO on October 1, during which the two men discussed “Black Africa" at some length. Tito commented that it was difficult to assess Sino-Soviet competition in black Africa but he was impressed by Chinese efforts. He agreed with Nixon that China's policy was more clever and sophisticated than that of the Soviets. He advised that change in Black Africa not be regarded as a move towards socialism or communism.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, S/S Conference Files, 1966-1972, Entry 3051B, Box 518, President Nixon's Trip to Europe, 9/27-10/5/70, Schedule, Memcons, Public Statements, Vol. I of V. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Also sent to U.S. Office in Limerick.
The embassy reported on President Nixon's meeting with President TITO on October 1, during which the two men discussed “Black Africa" at some length. Tito commented that it was difficult to assess Sino-Soviet competition in black Africa but he was impressed by Chinese efforts. He agreed with Nixon that China's policy was more clever and sophisticated than that of the Soviets. He advised that change in Black Africa not be regarded as a move towards socialism or communism.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, S/S Conference Files, 1966-1972, Entry 3051B, Box 518, President Nixon's Trip to Europe, 9/27-10/5/70, Schedule, Memcons, Public Statements, Vol. I of V. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Also sent to U.S. Office in Limerick.
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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