Letter From President Nixon to Secretary of State Rogers, Washington, March 26, 1970
Washington, March 26, 1970
Nixon responded favorably to Rogers's statement on U.S. African policy, which was a more detailed and in-depth discussion on the subject than was given in Nixon's February 18 Report to Congress (See U. S. Foreign Policy for the 1970's: A New Strategy for Peace: A Report to the Congress by Richard Nixon, President of the United States, Washington, February 18, 1970).
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 281, Agency Files, Department of State, Vol. VI. No classification marking. Under Nixon's signature is written in an unidentified hand, “Do the notes on the next two pages suggest this was signed by machine after HAK's approval? The carbon copy indicates /s/RN.” The next two pages, which are not published, include handwritten notes stating that “HAK Approves for President.”
Nixon responded favorably to Rogers's statement on U.S. African policy, which was a more detailed and in-depth discussion on the subject than was given in Nixon's February 18 Report to Congress (See U. S. Foreign Policy for the 1970's: A New Strategy for Peace: A Report to the Congress by Richard Nixon, President of the United States, Washington, February 18, 1970).
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 281, Agency Files, Department of State, Vol. VI. No classification marking. Under Nixon's signature is written in an unidentified hand, “Do the notes on the next two pages suggest this was signed by machine after HAK's approval? The carbon copy indicates /s/RN.” The next two pages, which are not published, include handwritten notes stating that “HAK Approves for President.”
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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