Letter From Secretary of State Kissinger to Secretary of the Treasury Simon, Washington, March 3, 1976
Washington, March 3, 1976
Kissinger responded to Simon's letter of February 6 by maintaining his support for IBRD loans to Nigeria. He said the benefits gained by opposing the loans were small and doubtful, while the costs of deteriorating bilateral relations were likely to be significant and unnecessary.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Policy Files, 1976, P760031-2274. Confidential. On February 6, Simon wrote Kissinger that with $5 billion in foreign exchange reserves, Nigeria did not need three IRBD loans totalling $84 million. (Ibid., P760031-2277).
Kissinger responded to Simon's letter of February 6 by maintaining his support for IBRD loans to Nigeria. He said the benefits gained by opposing the loans were small and doubtful, while the costs of deteriorating bilateral relations were likely to be significant and unnecessary.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Policy Files, 1976, P760031-2274. Confidential. On February 6, Simon wrote Kissinger that with $5 billion in foreign exchange reserves, Nigeria did not need three IRBD loans totalling $84 million. (Ibid., P760031-2277).
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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