Telegram 8136 From the Embassy in Nigeria to the Department of State, Lagos, October 18, 1972
Lagos, October 18, 1972
Ministry of External Affairs Permanent Secretary JOE IYALLA presented Ambassador Reinhardt with a lengthy list of alleged calculated U.S. attempts to downgrade Nigeria which, Iyalla believed, all added up to a pattern of U.S. indifference and a penchant to take Nigeria for granted.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, POL Nigeria-US. Confidential. Repeated to Ibadan and Kaduna.
Ministry of External Affairs Permanent Secretary JOE IYALLA presented Ambassador Reinhardt with a lengthy list of alleged calculated U.S. attempts to downgrade Nigeria which, Iyalla believed, all added up to a pattern of U.S. indifference and a penchant to take Nigeria for granted.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, POL Nigeria-US. Confidential. Repeated to Ibadan and Kaduna.
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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