Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (Newsom) to Secretary of State Rogers, Washington, January 19, 1970
Washington, January 19, 1970
Newsom's briefing memorandum for Rogers' meeting with the President emphasized Nigerian sensitivity to interference, the need for cooperation, and the very incomplete and inconclusive information about the situation in Biafra. Tab A indicated food supplies in Biafra were adequate and conditions were improving.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Records of the Special Coordinator on Relief to Civilian Victims of the Nigerian Civil War, February 1969-June 1970, Lot 70 D 336, Box 517. Confidential. The memorandum is an unsigned copy that may have been sent to Ferguson for clearance and thus was not necessarily forwarded to Rogers in this form. Commenting on the last paragraph on page one, Ferguson wrote in the margins: “misunderstanding here of Western Jan memo which gave 4 choices & was addressed to total needs of 4 groups. Also, Western Appendix IV was misconstrued - airlift plus local food plus local commerce trade.” Tabs B through E, entitled “Relief Organization and Tactics,” “External Assistance (Excluding US),” “Food Requirements and Availability,” and “US Actions, “ respectively, are not published.
Newsom's briefing memorandum for Rogers' meeting with the President emphasized Nigerian sensitivity to interference, the need for cooperation, and the very incomplete and inconclusive information about the situation in Biafra. Tab A indicated food supplies in Biafra were adequate and conditions were improving.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Records of the Special Coordinator on Relief to Civilian Victims of the Nigerian Civil War, February 1969-June 1970, Lot 70 D 336, Box 517. Confidential. The memorandum is an unsigned copy that may have been sent to Ferguson for clearance and thus was not necessarily forwarded to Rogers in this form. Commenting on the last paragraph on page one, Ferguson wrote in the margins: “misunderstanding here of Western Jan memo which gave 4 choices & was addressed to total needs of 4 groups. Also, Western Appendix IV was misconstrued - airlift plus local food plus local commerce trade.” Tabs B through E, entitled “Relief Organization and Tactics,” “External Assistance (Excluding US),” “Food Requirements and Availability,” and “US Actions, “ respectively, are not published.
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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