Telegram 5483 From the Embassy in Ethiopia to the Department of State, Addis Ababa, December 18, 1969, 1400Z
December 18, 1969, 1400Z
The Embasssy transmitted the statement to the press issued by the leader of the Biafran delegation to the Addis Ababa peace talks, explaining why the delegation was departing.
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 15, President's Daily Briefs. Unclassified; Immediate. Repeated immediate to Lagos. Also repeated to London and Paris.
The Embasssy transmitted the statement to the press issued by the leader of the Biafran delegation to the Addis Ababa peace talks, explaining why the delegation was departing.
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 15, President's Daily Briefs. Unclassified; Immediate. Repeated immediate to Lagos. Also repeated to London and Paris.
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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