Memorandum Prepared for the Under Secretary of State (Richardson), Washington, Washington, December 9, 1969
Washington, December 9, 1969
The memorandum concluded that the population of Biafra was 3.2 million, considerably lower than figures used by relief agencies; the nutritional condition had deteriorated since June, 1969; and 160 tons of relief supplies per night would meet minimum needs.
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NCS Files, Box 742, Country Files, Africa, Nigeria, Vol. I. Confidential. The memorandum was forwarded to Kissinger by Theodore Eliot, Department of State Executive Secretary, under cover of a December 10 memorandum stating: “Enclosed is a copy of a memorandum prepared for the Under Secretary.” Written in hand on the cover memorandum is, “No action necessary per R. Morris 12/16/69.”
The memorandum concluded that the population of Biafra was 3.2 million, considerably lower than figures used by relief agencies; the nutritional condition had deteriorated since June, 1969; and 160 tons of relief supplies per night would meet minimum needs.
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NCS Files, Box 742, Country Files, Africa, Nigeria, Vol. I. Confidential. The memorandum was forwarded to Kissinger by Theodore Eliot, Department of State Executive Secretary, under cover of a December 10 memorandum stating: “Enclosed is a copy of a memorandum prepared for the Under Secretary.” Written in hand on the cover memorandum is, “No action necessary per R. Morris 12/16/69.”
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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