Special National Intelligence Estimate, Washington, August 12, 1969
Washington, August 12, 1969
The SNIE concluded that an effective embargo on arms shipments to both parties was highly unlikely. If there were an effective embargo, the level of hostilities would soon diminish but neither party would be any more willing to compromise.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, NIC Files, Job 79R-01012A, Box 372, Folders 1 and 2. Secret; No Foreign Dissem.
The SNIE concluded that an effective embargo on arms shipments to both parties was highly unlikely. If there were an effective embargo, the level of hostilities would soon diminish but neither party would be any more willing to compromise.
Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, NIC Files, Job 79R-01012A, Box 372, Folders 1 and 2. Secret; No Foreign Dissem.
Biafran War Database.
Editor: Azuka Nzegwu.
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