What Women's Studies Offer Men: Entremesa Discussion
The topic of discussion is a disturbing one. What Women's Studies offer men sounds quarter mocking and quarter serious, quarter threatening and quarter caring. Does the topic promise a move away from separatism in scholarship among women's studies advocates or is the topic a trap set by wise women to test the waters of the backlash against feminism? Is this discussion panel a set-up to trip some wannabe men and flare them or is it a genuine attempt to explore what men want from women's studies? Who gives a thus what men want from women anyway? If this is a genuine press conference by the Women's Studies Party on their electoral program, how come the experts, the front-runners, the women's studies gurus, the women, are not the ones telling us chauvinist pigs what we are missing by not listening to women's studies? Here we are, three men, saying what we think that women's studies offer men when it could be said that we have not got a clue what is the definition of women's studies.
West Africa Review. ISSN: 1525-4488 (online).
Editors: Adeleke Adeeko, Nkiru Nzegwu, and Olufemi Taiwo.
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